lunes, 30 de enero de 2012



SÁBADO 11 FEBRERO 2012 8:00 pm
concierto acústico (Confirmado)

Entrada libre (Aporte Voluntario)

Chimney Heart en sesiones de música UrbanArte Cali.

Chimney Heart, Suecia. Henrick Svelund-Rodríguez, como el corazón de la chimenea viaja por el universo en una guitarra.

2005, viaja por Colombia, historias reales de la vida que recoge se convirten en su primer álbum "The Colombian songs"
2004 Chimney Heart se traslada a Berlín, canciones sobre el sol, beber, y las visitas extraterrestres se convirten en su segundo álbum "to the place you come from", publicado en enero de 2011.

"BAM¡... to the place you come from. Chimneyheart's place of origin: Sweden. His secret identity is: Henrik Svedlund-Rodriguez. As Chimneyheart, he travels the universe in a guitar. POP¡ For example: in 2005, he took his fuzz-full 4-track and travelled Colombia. The true-to-life stories he collected there became his first album: "The Colombia Songs". POW¡ Chimneyheart relocated to Berlin 2004 making songs about sunshine, drinking, and alien visitations that became his luminous second album: "to the place you come from", released January 2011. WOW¡ Chimneyheart's songs travel the roads that are alternately shiny and fuzzy, soft centred and bright-eyed, as melancholic and wise as a Bush Baby sitting with a pair of binoculars and too many empty beer bottles. ZAP¡" -Buck Theorem, London, Jan. 2011.

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